Microsoft solta a notícia: novo chip de inteligência artificial na área, pronto para dar um caldo na Nvidia!

Microsoft releases the news: new artificial intelligence chip in the area, ready to give Nvidia a run for their money!

Hey, gamers! Let's talk about hot news in the world of technology? Hold on to this: Microsoft decided to enter the arena of artificial intelligence (AI) processors and launched its own chips, giving a wink of challenge to Nvidia, which until then reigned supreme in this universe.

The guys at Microsoft are bringing two new players to the team: "Cobalt", a chip based on Arm projects for general tasks, and the star of the moment, "Maia", a specialized AI accelerator. These bad boys will be doing well in Microsoft's Azure data centers next year, supporting services that include the wonders of OpenAI and partner Copilot.

Oh, and Microsoft is putting these chips into play, testing how "Maia 100" fares in the roles of the Bing chatbot (now renamed Copilot), the GitHub Copilot coding assistant and ChatGPT, that naughty assistant that makes our texts shine.

And why all this movement? Well, it looks like Nvidia had been dominating the game for a while now, and people were starting to get fed up. Demand for Nvidia's chips was through the roof, and even Microsoft had to step up to the plate, calling on Oracle to help fill the hunger for GPUs for its AI services.

And speaking of Nvidia, we can't forget that the guys launched the new H200 Tensor Core GPU chip on Monday, giving AI technologies a boost. They say that this new chip has a performance between 60% and 90% better than the old models. Nvidia, my friend, do you think it's a single-player game? The competition is tough!

That's it, guys. Microsoft in the area, new chips in play, and the war for supremacy in AI processors is just beginning. Let's keep an eye on these things because the future of technology is more exciting than the last game you played!

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